10 Fitness New Year’s Resolution ideas

10 Fitness New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2023

Now that you know how to set achievable fitness goals, it’s time to decide what you want to achieve this year. Check out these 10 2023 New Year’s fitness resolution ideas for some inspiration:

1. Hold a Plank

Holding the plank position is one of the best exercises for strengthening your core. By challenging numerous muscles throughout the body, the plank can help you improve everything from your six-pack and endurance performance to your posture and metabolism. Though they get great results, planks can be challenging, so start small and work your way up to holding the position for a minute, then two and then longer!

2. Try a New Fitness Class

If experimenting with various exercise types seems daunting, make it a goal to get outside your fitness comfort zone by trying a different form of working out. Signing up for a fitness class will give you a specific new way to move, plus a concrete time and date to ensure you follow through. If you need even more encouragement, many gyms and fitness studios allow you to try your first session for free.

Try a new class by adding variety to your workout routine. Whether you want to slow down by trying out yoga or add excitement by attending a Zumba class you also get the added benefit of working out with others who can encourage and support you during the class

3. Train for a Road Race

Whether it be a 5K, half marathon or full marathon, setting your eyes on a specific race is an excellent fitness objective. Signing up for a road race will give you a concrete goal with a hard deadline. You can set a benchmark time to challenge yourself even more than completing the race. Participating in a road race will also allow your friends and family members to cheer you on and join you in celebrating your fitness journey.

As a bonus, running is a highly beginner-friendly sport that requires minimal equipment. For those new to running, plenty of couch-to-5K running plans are available online that will take you from not running at all to crossing the 5K finish line. With enough patience and determination, anyone can become a successful runner.

4. Prep Your Meals

Setting yourself up for success is the secret to accomplishing your fitness goals. One of the easiest ways to start eating healthier is to meal prep, so you don’t choose an unhealthy, quick-fix alternative amid the hustle and bustle of a busy day. Taking time at the beginning of the week to chop or cook ingredients in advance will save you time and keep you from making unhealthy choices in the days ahead.

Being in less of a rush will also help you eat slowly and stop eating when you’re full. Making a conscious effort to sit down while eating can also help you savor each meal.

5. Give up One Indulgence

A wholesale lifestyle overhaul may feel daunting. Instead of trying to ditch junk food, cut carbs, quit soda, skip dessert and eliminate alcohol all at the same time, start by choosing just one vice to give up. Then, as you adjust to living without chocolate or wine, try getting rid of another indulgence.

Gradually changing unhealthy habits is more sustainable than quitting everything cold turkey and will help you keep a more well-balanced mood. Aim for maintaining a reasonable amount of self-control while not feeling deprived. You can even switch various indulgences each month for a balanced life.

6. Get to Bed on Time

Getting the right amount of quality sleep each night is the secret to a healthy lifestyle. With a full night’s sleep, you can boost your immune system, strengthen your heart, fend off weight gain, boost your mood and more. Being well-rested will also help you give it your all at the gym.

While getting to bed at a decent time may be challenging some nights, you can take specific measures to ensure sweet dreams. Try winding down and relaxing by doing some yoga or meditation each night before hopping into bed. Keeping electronics out of the bedroom may also help you fall asleep sooner.

7. Drink More Water

Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health. Drinking up to eight glasses of water per day will help you lose weight, feel more energized and possibly have clearer skin. These health benefits will also help you get more out of your workout sessions, so you can reach your fitness goals even sooner.

In addition to consuming more water, try drinking water instead of a less healthy beverage like soda. Switching to water will reduce your daily sugar intake while nourishing your body — a win-win! Make remembering to drink water easier by keeping a refillable water bottle at your work desk and ordering water whenever you dine out.

8. Stick to a Schedule

One of the best fitness goals is consistency. Planning to work out a specific number of days per week or month could be your first step on your path toward better wellness. Regularly showing up to the gym will naturally push you toward accomplishing your other fitness goals, as well.

Make it easier to get in an exercise session by planning it into your daily routine. If you dedicate a specific chunk of time to working out each day instead of trying to squeeze a workout into your busy schedule at the last minute, you will be much more likely to get your sweat on.

9. Adjust Your Attitude

Make your mindset a goal, too. If you tend to view exercising or eating right as a necessary evil, shift your perspective to look at working out as a daily adventure and mealtime as an opportunity to fuel your body with nutritious foods. Focus on the little things you like about working out, such as your class instructor or the rush of endorphins after a sweat session and use them as a source of motivation.

With enough practice, your attitude will begin to change. Before you know it, you will look forward to your next trip to the gym and devouring a healthy meal afterward.

10. Try Personal Training

Creating a fitness routine can be overwhelming with so many workouts and types of exercises to choose from. Working with a certified personal trainer as your New Year’s fitness goal can go a long way to improving your overall health.

Personal trainers can develop unique workout plans tailored to your fitness level, fitness goals and any sporting events you want to train for. If you struggle with any health conditions or are recovering from an illness or injury, a personal trainer can help you work out in a way that’s safe and comfortable for you.

Plus, personal trainers come with built-in accountability and progress tracking. They can help you set realistic goals, track your progress and adjust your routine to help achieve the results you are aiming for.


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